This page will enable you to carry out a word search across
most of this web site.
There are two alternatives. The first search engine
searches every accessible page and returns results in the form you would expect
from a normal search engine.
1. Each search will produce a list of the pages containing the word searched on.
Once that page has been accessed, use you browser's 'Find' facility to search
down the page for each instance of the word.
2. As I have tried to follow the texts of contemporary writings, there are many
variations of spelling across these web pages, both in place names and peoples'
names. Try different variations in spelling when searching.
3. Names having a Mac, Mc or M' prefix are problematical. It was the custom in
this area to generally use the M' prefix, and Mac was seldom encountered.
Modern usage means the M' prefix is now never used.
Alternatively, the site has been indexed by
'RootsWeb' and you can
carry out interactive searches using this if you prefer:
Hint: The following searches can be performed: * Surname Only, *Surname and First Name.